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  • Writer's pictureMich Zhi Xin

Together for Our Planet: Post-COP26 Dinner

#TogetherforOurPlanet - Delighted to be invited to the post COP 26 dinner last Wednesday! Thank you, the British High Commission for having us Time To Rice!

Finally meeting some of the colleagues and friends (for the first time!), and we managed to tell them more about our work at #TimetoRice - a modular science communication material we designed to cultivate the general public's proclivity to engage in climate actions.

We are surprised to learn that the other winning teams, some of them weren't acquainted before this, (just like our team!) and it is the Communicating Science for Climate Action Project that brought like-minded people together. We all have multidisciplinary teams - nowadays we talk a lot about effective collaboration, especially on wicked problems that face challenges from different facets, breaking the silos is really important.

Reflecting on this journey, our team members come from different backgrounds: architectural designers, educators, journalists, and researchers. Reading the IPCC report sound intimidating at first, but with the help of the experts and teammates, the complex issues got demystified, and through the conversations with experts from different domains, we got to look at the issues from different angles - aside environmental, there are also underlying socioeconomic cultural issues... To not lose sight of the issues on the ground, we also spoke to farmers in both East and West Malaysia. We meet every weekend to discuss Climate Change & Food security, and most of the time, to brainstorm about the most effective way to deliver these messages, and finally, we have produced a toolbox for a Co-creation, and Gamified Climate Science Communication Workshop!

I couldn't be thankful enough to have such committed, passionate, creative, and kind teammates! ( Queenie Wong Haziq Ariffin Zhai Gen Tan Shenyi Chua Sathesh Raj ) Most of all, I am grateful that, while there are people who might be skeptical about how individuals could contribute much to climate actions, we shared the same goal and took the first steps nevertheless!

Thank you again for all the enablers in the journey!

P/s: Aside from the enjoyable conversations we had, one of the highlights is definitely the food! Local produce, #vegetarian dishes are the default and only option, love it - Can we please make this a norm? :D


If you are interested to learn more about #Timetorice, please visit:


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