The Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) Malaysia is joining the City Expo Malaysia 2021!
Me and our Executive Director, Roberto Benetello will be speaking at the CEM Forum on 10th November (Wednesday) 1:00pm - 2:00pm. (GMT+8). We will be presenting the "Vision 2050 for our cities".
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)'s #Vision2050 sets out nine pathways toward transformation. Each includes a vision of the way that society needs to be met in 2050, as well as a series of transitions critical to achieving each vision, and action areas for a business to focus on over the next ten years.
This session will be focusing on 2 of the 9 transformation pathways from the WBCSD Vision 2050, which are ' Transportation & Mobility: We can keep on moving smarter', and Living Spaces: We can make the world feel at home'. Both are very relevant to achieving livable, sustainable cities by 2050.
The session aims to shed light on the key transitions that need to happen, follow by suggesting action areas for business in the next ten years, to pave the way in realizing the vision 2050.
See you there! : )